I am so very excited to announce this special photo session GIVEAWAY! I have been doing a lot of thinking about my business lately and feel that I have been incredibly blessed. It has been laid upon my heart to give back, to bless someone, with something special…for one deserving family. It’s going to be exciting and I cannot WAIT for this giveaway to begin!

So, Here is how it works…
This is what I call a self-less giveaway. So you cannot nominate YOURSELF. You must nominate a family/friend/co-worker/neighbor…do you know a family going through hard times? Maybe a single mom or dad who works really hard to support their kids? Someone with an illness, or cancer or just someone that YOU think is deserving of a photo session? You will be able to nominate them to win this totally FREE photo session giveaway! It’s as easy as that. Nominate someone by messaging me on social media, fill the form bellow or email at photo@laimisurbonas.com Please give me the name of the person(s) you would like to nominate and tell me WHY you think they should win this photo session giveaway.
You must like Laimis Urbonas Photography on FB & IG and SHARE this image on your Facebook page with #laimisgiveaway, pretty please!
Also I encourage you to SHARE the image that will be pinned to the top of the Laimis Urbonas Photography Page to your page so that more families have the chance to enter/nominate others.
Submissions will begin immediately through the end of the day on Giving Tuesday, November 28th, 2024. The winner will be selected by a panel of judges {some of my professional friends and family} and announced on my Facebook Page on Friday, December 2nd!
One deserving family will receive a FREE one hour photo session with all of the best digital images on a gallery (digital download) with a photo print release. Session will expire May 5, 2024 (should be used before that date).

Please fill the form bellow or email at photo@laimisurbonas.com Please give me the name of the person(s) you would like to nominate and tell me WHY you think they should win this photo session giveaway.
You must like Laimis Urbonas Photography on FB & IG and SHARE this image on your Facebook page with #laimisgiveaway, pretty please!